Vehicle washing machine of railway and car and manufacturing, sales, construction, and maintenance of carwash machine


    Washing system for railway carriages (movable)

Picture Cliek

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The machine is movable (215 meters) while the carriage remains motionless! The whole circumference of a carriage including the front and rear, to say nothing of the sides, is fully washed. The new control system and special mechanism perform the washing by precisely correlating to the shape of a carriage as well as the number of carriages without any need for manual washing. You can set up the washing according to the train schedule. If the schedule is tight, you can change the period of the washing time by making it shorter. You can also operate the washing system by remote control wirelessly. Materials and a surface treatment method in adequate consideration of long-term use of the system are applied for the best quality and durability. Needless to say, the washing system(Train Wash Plant) is thoroughly safeguarded against unlikely accidents so that you can use it without worry.
(215-meter) movable washing machine for railway carriages